Route Optimisation (VRP)

Route optimisation is one of the challenges facing many companies. Implementing the right solutions is a way to reduce expenses, save time and, above all, streamline company processes. Increase the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of your orders!

Companies operating in the transport and logistics industry are successfully using IT support for business. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine the operation of a large enterprise without the use of modern solutions, which are, in a way, inscribed in the specifics of the activity, but are also the designation of an innovative enterprise, standing out among the competition.

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Route optimisation is primarily an opportunity to reduce operating costs, but it brings many more benefits. The primary objective of the logistics measures is to determine the optimal route. This in turn will save time and ensure timely delivery.

Accurate task planning and vehicle route optimisation will allow strategic objectives to be met and ensure the proper functioning of the company. Business owners increasingly appreciate the role of planning and attach great importance to effective vehicle fleet management.

Vehicle route optimisation - key factors

In order to optimise the route, several important parameters need to be taken into account, among others:

Fleet capabilities in terms of number of vehicles, capacity, payload
Quantity and dimensions of the load,
Driver working time, loading, unloading
Pick-up and delivery times - freely definable with a time window tolerance,
Schedule of activities
Restrictions on, inter alia, breaks under the Road Transport Act
Transport costs

The factors indicated are relevant, for example, to concepts such as time windows and transport costs. Route optimisation is used in a wide range of industries, including transport, goods distribution companies, freight forwarding and services. It is an essential tool for planners, vehicle route planners. Managing work is not a simple task, especially in large companies. Modern route optimisation systems not only reduce costs, but, above all, save time and streamline company processes.

Savings and the solution to logistical problems, i.e. route optimisation in practice:

Reduction in the overall length of the routes to be travelled
Reduction in vehicle fleet maintenance costs
Saving time
Possibility of arranging the order of the given points on the route according to their geographical location, taking into account the preferred time of the meetings
Scheduling the use of a certain number of vehicles according to the order pool
Analysis of the data obtained with a view to expanding the vehicle fleet
Possibility to prepare an action plan for several days

All the benefits indicated above can be gained by using a vehicle route optimisation system.

Do not hesitate and decide to implement the right solution for your company as well.

Having an extensive fleet of vehicles, a modern company, qualified drivers and other employees is still not enough to compete with entities with a similar business focus. Nowadays, it is modern solutions that, to a large extent, determine the advantage over competing companies. On the other hand, the time saved through the use of high-tech tools can be invested in the further development of the company.

What exactly does vehicle route optimisation involve?

Vehicle route optimisation is the arrangement of the route using parameters and variable factors. Compared to the classic working model of the planner, the system allows results to be obtained more quickly, in a much shorter time. This is an extremely important distinction. This is especially true when the volume of orders to be handled is very high and important route decisions have to be made almost immediately.

Today, it is difficult to imagine the operation of many large companies without the use of such solutions. However, it is important to pay particular attention to functionality.

SOTIPM is a solution that works well for companies in a wide range of industries, where the movement of vehicles, as well as the organisation of mobile workers' tasks, plays a key role in the implementation of business processes.

Route optimisation can be used, among other things:
  • To plan activities for sales representatives where, due to the nature of the tasks, they do not need to return to base for loading or unloading
  • When the task involves limitations due to the capacity and payload of the vehicle
  • In the municipal sector, it is possible to schedule returns to the landfill for waste disposal, saving time and taking into account the shortest possible driving route.
Optimisation of the number of journeys, route lengths and assigned tasks means:
  • Increasing the productivity of planners
  • Performing tasks more efficiently
  • Controlling the execution of orders
  • Reducing the cost of transport provided
  • Improving the quality of orders
Achieving so many results almost immediately is possible! Regardless of the industry in which your company operates. Route optimisation offers multidimensional benefits.

Route optimisation - take care of the details

Visualisation of the route, with destination points on a Google map, information on tasks to be completed and the client,
A time-bound view of the work plan,
Document generation, automatic sending of documents via e-mail,
Generation of vehicle handover protocols,
Handling of events, annotation.

SOTIPM can be used in two models - by purchasing a licence (after adaptation and customised implementation) or by renting (after customised implementation). Only 1 month separates your company from entering a new business dimension. That is how long it takes to analyse, implement and launch SOTIPM. It is a comprehensive and functional tool, integrated with e.g. Sage Symfonia, Comarch Erp.

Optimising routes and managing a fleet of vehicles has never been so easy! With just a few steps, you can optimise your company's processes and improve your business performance.

At IT Center, we have been designing and implementing innovative IT solutions for business for years. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with our full offer.

About us in brief

IT company. 22 years in the market. Specialising in IT for business.

Continuous competence development and cross-sector experience in the production, integration, implementation and maintenance of IT solutions for Medium-sized Enterprises.

Competent, operative, effective. Check us out.

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How to find us

ul. L. Kondratowicza 37
03-285 Warszawa

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